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Living at Optimum Speed

Some of us run at a higher voltage than others. Try to find your optimum speed.  

Those of you who know me know that I run at about 220 volts most of the time, whereas most of my friends and family seem to run on the more reasonable 120 volts (think, a 60-watt lightbulb). Sometimes they have trouble keeping up with my… enthusiasm for everything. 

One of the many benefits of my profession is that I get to sit down with people at all stages and ages of life, and take their temperature, so to speak. I’ve seen lots of folks who’ve slowed down over time, either because they decided they wanted to, or an outside force made them. From my perspective, two years ago I tore a ligament in my wrist playing basketball, and last year, I tore a hamstring running a 40-yard dash in a parking lot. I can roll my eyes now and say, “What was I thinking??” But maybe, it was God’s way of saying, “Dave. Slow down!” 

These injuries have ruined my golf career for sure, and resulted in one of my 2019 goals, which is to just not get hurt! You may find this funny, but I want you to know I’m taking this seriously. I go into things gauging how this might hurt me. It’s not just a realization of my own age, but the knowledge that there are people who depend on me, and who I want to be around for. I may still naturally run at 220 to everyone else’s 110 volts, but this realization has changed how I’m learning to approach day-to-day life. 

One of the things I’m actively working on is the concept that I can accomplish just as much, but with less physical stress. I’m doing this by not overcommitting, by making sure my hobbies are in line with my life, work, spiritual, physical and emotional goals, and creating a buffer in my schedule so I can make sure, most days, that I maintain my focus where it should be – which is on my goals in those five life areas. 

I challenge each of you to think about the goals you’ve set for yourself, not just financially, but in your personal development, family, in your work/life balance, and ask yourself – are you satisfied with how you’re addressing those areas? You may surprised when you examine these things that you may feel like you’re not doing as good a job as you’d like, whether that’s because you’re strapped for quality time, or you’re in a stage of life that doesn’t permit that alignment. You may be running too hard, for any number of reasons. 

Think about the speed you’re traveling at (I know I am). Some of you may find that you need to speed up a little in order to accomplish those life, work, spiritual, emotional and physical goals. Some of you may be running closer to that 220, but you find it’s not comfortable for you. Your natural state may say you need to slow down to stay mentally, emotionally and physically strong. 

We’re all in this together, and if you’re reading this and it sparked some thoughts, I’d love to hear them. Especially those of you who have learned to slow down – please – give me some guidance! Maybe we can learn from each other and I’d love to hear your nuggets or wisdom. 

Article by David Smyth, CLTC, Senior Partner at Family Financial Partners — a financial services firm in Lexington, Kentucky.

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