1792 Alysheba Way, Suite 201, Lexington, KY 40509
FINRA | Broker Check | SIPC

Author: David Smyth

Planning Checklist

A couple weeks ago in this newsletter, I said we’d be back with some more information about the planning checklists we provide to our clients. When folks decide to come into our office for the first time, we’ve probably had a conversation about what to bring with you. We most likely rattled off a list, or sent you an email that spelled out all the parts of your financial life that we’d like to review. You may recall sitting in our conference room with all of those documents, and you might have thought, “what the heck am I doing?” This was, for many of you, probably the first time you’d brought your entire life into a meeting in a professional atmosphere.

Take Time for Gratitude

Happy week-before-Thanksgiving everyone! As most of you know, Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday of the year – in addition to July 4th, St. Patrick’s Day, Halloween, Christmas, Cinco de Mayo and of course Groundhog Day. But I digress.

One Year In

Yesterday was the first anniversary of Donald Trump’s election as US president, and I know many people who wanted to see the economy fail and the complete demise of America in the wake of that news. For those of you who still hope for that, personally, I view that as unfortunate. I’m an optimistic person by nature, and I want the best for the America that I love. I’ve also learned, in my very limited time on this earth, that some very surprising results can come from unprecedented situations.

Deciphering Your Statements

Every quarter, our office receives about 10 phone calls from clients who are having trouble understanding their quarterly or monthly statements. The call usually goes something like this: “I got my Pershing statement in the mail, but I also received a statement from Reits/Atel/Business Development Company (BDC) (alternative investments), and I’m not sure if these extra statements are in addition to my Pershing account, or if they’re part of what’s reflected in my Pershing statement. Then, when I log into eMoney, the values don’t match up with what I’m seeing in my statements.”

Financial Paralysis

Here at Family Financial Partners, we are proud to be able to say that the majority – nine out of 10 – of new clients who come in to have initial conversations with us do end up choosing to work with us. To be perfectly honest however, we’d prefer to bat a thousand. We’ll always keep striving for perfection, even if we know we’ll never get there.

Where is Your Money? Why is it There?

Any of you who know me well know that I have no qualms with the idea of asking someone to work with me and my team at Family Financial Partners. After 20 years in this industry, I know that pretty much everyone I talk to already has a financial planner or team that they work with. I also know that the majority of the people I talk to are being underserved, or they’re not happy with their current investment portfolio.

Stock Market Spooks

When it comes to October and the stock markets, well, this can be a spooky month for investors. We’ll be observing the 20th anniversary of Black Monday in a couple of weeks on October 19, as well as Black Thursday, which took place on October 24, 1929, and set things in motion for the Great Crash of Black Tuesday, on October 29, 1929.

Life Insurance – A Tool In the Financial Toolbox

Last week, Alex and I were honored to attend a conference for our broker-dealer/advisory company, where our team was recognized as one of the top in the country. Over and over again, other advisors and attendees came up and asked us what products we recommend, and where in the world we find all the great clients we work with.

Life Insurance in Real Life

September is Life Insurance Awareness Month, and as always, we’ll be sharing lots of information throughout the next few weeks about this important part of your financial plan.

Notes from Around The Globe

We’re at that time of year where our team has seen most of you at least a couple of times, and outside of any major changes happening in your life right now, we have a pretty good idea of whether or not you’re on track with your financial plan for 2017. Of course, if there are new major changes going on in your life, please, let us know.

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