1792 Alysheba Way, Suite 201, Lexington, KY 40509
FINRA | Broker Check | SIPC

Author: David Smyth

Letting the Mask Fall

We all know those people on social media who look like they have perfect lives and families where everyone always smiles and no one ever feels any stress. The truth, of course, is that in reality, well, those folks probably don’t look or feel so perfect. But even if we know that social media is one big mask disguising the craziness of daily life, seeing all those perfect, smiling images can make even the most confident among us feel a little inferior.

Stifled by Stuff?

Recently, I helped my neighbors move as they set out across the country for a new job and a new adventure. They are a young couple who had moved in with each other about a year and a half ago, and like most people, found that even in that amount of time, they had accumulated more stuff than they’d realized. Although they got along for the most part, they argued a bit during the packing process over what to keep and what to pitch, or something one finds hideous that the other thought was awesome.

Trump Tweets, Walgreens & China

There really has been no significant change as it seems to bounce around every day. Keep in mind these 100-point moves we’ve seen are the result of more and more electronic trades, and trades seem to be based off every headline whether it’s Trump Tweets, US trade with China or GE being replaced by Walgreens in the Dow.

Financial Envy: Wanting what others have can be a good motivator

Everyone feels envious from time to time. It’s human nature, especially in this day and age of 24/7 media bombardment and celebrities who are famous for simply being famous. Everywhere we look, there’s someone who has more, bigger, better, stronger, nicer. While I would never advocate for “keeping up with the Joneses,” and despite the fact that envy is one of the seven deadly sins, I do believe that a certain amount of envy can be a good thing.

Health & Wellness

I had a conversation recently that reiterated what I have finally come to accept after 20 years in this business: try as you might, you simply can’t be all things to all people. When I first started my career, I literally locked myself in a windowless room with a phone book, and cold-called about 200 people a day, with hopes of talking to 25-to-40 of them, and that those three-to-five minute conversations would lead to me sending some information and following up with that person.

The Gift of Financial Planning

With commencements either right behind or right in front of you, you may still be considering the perfect gift for that newly minted college graduate in your life.

Important Changes to 529 College Savings Plans

Now that we’ve all survived prom season and all the hoopla that comes with that, soon enough we’ll be in the midst of graduation season, with caps & gowns and parties and first jobs. While the kids are happy to be graduating, all you parents out there will be thinking about the next tuition bill coming due as another kiddo heads off to college.

Financial Conversations

For those of you who currently work with us, we’ve been super active during the first quarter of the year making adjustments to your portfolio, and as we always say, the near-3000-point correction in the Dow has since rallied back up 1200 or so points before taking another smaller dip this week.

How We Grow Our Team

A few weeks ago, we talked about some of the changes happening in our office as we continue to grow our team and our business, and what to expect for both new and veteran clients.

From the Beach to the Backyard

In client meetings recently, some of you have come in and told us about some lofty or crazy goals. Some of these are, well, a little out there, but most of the time we’ll say, “let’s go!” and start planning. I love hearing the goals our client families set for themselves, and the different ideas people come up with over the years.

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