1792 Alysheba Way, Suite 201, Lexington, KY 40509
FINRA | Broker Check | SIPC

Family Financial Partners


No Suit, No Tie, Life’s Good!

Here in Kentucky, our governor just announced the reopening of the state as of June 11, including masks now being optional. Throngs of people who apparently spent the last year hidden inside are now all out and about!

Biden’s Tax Plan & Your Portfolio

Many of you just filed your taxes within the last month, and during your discussions with your accountant, things may have turned toward the topic of Biden being president. His tax plan isn’t finalized yet, but if it gets through, we have addressed some strategic changes in the way we steward your assets.

Memorial Day & a Return to Normal

As we took time over the long Memorial Day weekend to spend time with our families and friends at backyard barbecues, at the lake or the pool, or simply on the patio, it reminded us of just how important it is to interact with people without a screen separating you.

What is Pre-Retirement?

For many of you, the word “retirement” probably seems far off and foreign, if not downright scary. As company pensions have disappeared in recent years, the gauntlet of saving for retirement has fallen solely on the individual employees. That means we are hearing more and more people answer the simple question of how long they plan to keep working with, “I’m going to work forever – or until I can’t.”

Communicating with Client Couples

You’ve probably heard us say when we call you for your regular client meetings that we want to see you and your spouse together. This isn’t just to make scheduling more difficult – we know how busy everyone is, especially in the summer months! – it’s because we want to build relationships with you and your spouse as a couple for many reasons.

5 Questions to Ask a Financial Advisor

So you’re finally ready to take the plunge and retire, but first you need to hire a financial advisor to help you navigate this process. Choosing someone to manage your money is an important task that can be daunting. Wondering where to start? These five questions will help you determine if a potential advisor is right for you.

Retirement: A How-To

Many client families can walk into our office and can tell us precisely at what age they want to retire, and how much money they’re going to need to do so. Many people are confident about those two factors. However, when those statements end, that’s when the questions begin! These folks might know when and how much, but when pressed about what they’ll actually do in retirement, well, that’s when things start to fall apart.

How Long Should I Keep Working?

There’s a question I’m frequently asked by clients who are reaching a certain age, and I’m hearing it now especially from folks who aren’t sure about heading back into an office post-pandemic: How much longer should I work? Many folks are thinking differently about their daily working life after a year of working from home, or perhaps having to change jobs into something less fulfilling.

Tax Shock? You’re Welcome.

Spring has arrived and brought with it the second quarter of 2021, and as usual we’ll be communicating our thoughts this month to those of you who are in our Envestnet portfolios. Look for that soon. If you’re not an Envestnet client and you’d like my take on the state of things right now, click here to let me know and we’ll chat soon.

3 Money Lessons for Kids

As you make plans for vacations, lake days, family get-togethers, camps and other warm-weather fun, take the opportunity to talk to your kids a little bit about money. Even kids as young as 4 or 5 can start learning valuable money lessons. Plus, keeping their brains busy learning new skills between school years is always a good thing. Here are 3 money lessons for kids:

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